The House Fellowship department coordinates the affairs of the house fellowship centers in RCCG GSOP. The house fellowship is a basic unit of congregation that meets in a member’s house. A House Fellowship Center could potentially be mandated by the parish pastor to branch out as a new church, in accordance with the Redeemed Christian Church of Christ vision of church planting.
The mission of RCCG GSOP House Fellowship is to nurture and train up believers for their spiritual growth and the work of the ministry. We help believers understand the position where God wants them to be. This is done by breaking down the work of God, praying, fellowshipping with one another, as well as availing everyone the opportunity to ask questions and get answers on various answers to life and their walk with God. We help each other to learn more of the gospel and support one another. Our major goal is to glorify God and teach the saving sacrifice of his son Jesus Christ.
The time of fellowship is every Wednesday from 7pm to 8 pm.
Our venue of fellowship is zoned around the church by zip-code. Each house fellowship center leader and his/her family are the host. A minister is assigned to monitor and help grow the fellowship.
For more information, please contact:
Pastor Bimbo Olusola
Tel: 916-690-3986